

Ag Cogadh (At War)

There is a lot of Celtic mythology in here that is explained with footnotes at the bottom 😀   Ag Cogadh (At War). We could see their silhouettes over the horizon, black behemoths, braziers lit

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A cuppa. Full…. Stop! He had done it, a solid four thousand words over a couple hours, not too shabby considering how many times he had stopped to ponder or edit the work. He took

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The Cat and the Jar

The cat put a paw on the glass. Jenny could see her toe-beans, very pink, almost as large as she was. That might have been due to the fact that she was stuck in a

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Two nobodies, at the end of the world, fighting over nothing.

Two nobodies, at the end of the world, fighting over nothing. All was ash. All was ruin. The sun had given up on being bright, and decided to cast its own grey shadow. A trail

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The Woman, and her Hamster

Let’s go on a journey, squeaked the hamster from his tiny pocket in the woman’s bag. “But where to?” Asked the woman to her tiny rodent friend. “Up.” He answered. And so, she did, she

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Bullets in a storm

This one is very over the top. —————————————— Bullets in a storm. The two lone gunmen stood ten metres apart, buffeted by the unflinching rain that stormed the tiny tropical island. The sky had grown

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Ares The barrel is hot to the touch, I’m not sure how many full magazines I have left and I’m pretty sure the one in my rifle is running on empty. My eyes are stinging

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Got the stars for company.

I’ve got the stars for company. Her little cabin lit up a little too bright for a moment, tearing her focus from her screen and to the window to the side of her head. A

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