
A Political Drabble

Change. The world has become rather stale, familiar, and as has been said before, familiarity breeds contempt, hostility. The human ‘democratic’ experiment has failed. People are attacking and killing people over held opinion, not action,

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A disdain for the rational and reserved.

A disdain for the rational and reserved. Charlottesville was a horrific display of human conflict, and the sensationalism of extreme views. The pendulum always swings left, to right to left, to right in politics, but

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A Rant on recent advertisements.

A riot over a soda, or a discussion over a beer. – Rant, less structured than my other political posts. Both big brands Heineken and Pepsi brought out political commercials in the last month to

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When Political correctness becomes conformity and control.

When Political correctness becomes conformity and control. To begin, I do again have a bias on this subject. I really, really, have a problem with SJWs, I will remain factual and cite my sources; however.

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